Wednesday, January 29, 2014

14 DaYs OF VaLeNtiNeS!!

    I decided that this year for valentines I wanted to do something different. We are going through that tight wallet time in our life while we are putting him through school and I wanted to do something special and over the top, so I decided to do the "14 days of valentines". I have been seeing this all over pinterest, and after searching for what best fit my husband I had a problem, he isn't sort of the candy or chocholate kind of guy. (crazy I know) After looking at so many sites it was so hard to find what I thought would fit my man the most so I then had to come up with my own. I did find some that worked on some sites and some I kind just went with his favorite and threw it in the bunch. I think over all it was a success! I spent around $25 and was so happy I hope you like them. I also found out about a website called picmonkey from Cami and I have been hooked to it. That is where I made all the cute tags to go along with it, or you can also download my pdf if you like, but have fun and make it your own!

Day 1:

 Click here to download "Macho Man"

Day 2:

 Day 3&4:

 Day 5:

Day 6&7:

Day 8:

 Day 9:

I followed this tutorial to make this yummy popcorn (picture from her site) follow her recipe here. 

Day 10 &11:

Day 12:


Day 14:

  This day I got a jar and just filled it up with little papers with things I love about him written on them, and also I have a gift card to put with it.

I hope you like how it turned out, I'm so excited for February to start! I just really hope he doesn't look at my blog post, or he will be in trouble.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tips on Staying Organized

Are you all burned out from trying to keep those pesky resolutions?  I know one of my resolutions on my list every year is to keep a more organized house.  Last year I followed some organizing plans to help me on my quest.  My two favorites are

They both have been my go to organizing blogs.  A Bowl Full of Lemons has a challenge every week where you can follow her ideas and plans and your house is spic and span in no time.  I love this because the hard work is already done for me.  This year things have changed up a bit. She has a focus area per month.  January is on the Kitchen and every week you work on parts of your kitchen so when the month is over with you have a clean and organized kitchen.  Toni is a great friend of mine and I just love to see her creative juices going.  You can join her facebook organizing group HERE and join in on the fun.  Becky from Clean Mama is also another friend of mine.  I love to use her free printables and also use her advise on quick cleaning and a weekly schedule.  It is an easy schedule and one that is very manageable with kids.  Go and check out these two blogs.  Remember that it is never to late to start.  I have a hard time finding motivation in January but then February and March hit and I am going crazy cleaning again.  You can't eat an elephant all at take it one bite at a time.  

Monday, January 20, 2014

Meet the Sisters

I am Cami and the oldest of the sisters.  I have been married since 1997. (Don't do the math) and am madly in love with my hubs!! I am a Mom of 2 great kids.  Ryker is 13 and Lilly is 7 going on 16.  Both of my kids keep me going in all sorts of directions.  I live in Utah where we  have chickens and a dog.  I love doing crafts, scrapbooking, reading, photography, organizing, and throwing parties.  I hope you find our blog a fun place where you can laugh and cry at our many adventures.  

My name is Dee Ann.  I grew up Florida and still to this day consider myself a southern girl. I have been married to my husband for 8 yrs.  We have 3 daughters together and I have 2 teenage boys from another marriage that complete our family. We live in the freezing cold of Idaho but we love it here. I am a stay at home mom. With girls who are in dance and boys who are into sports, we are always cheering them on. I love being a mom but can I add I hate having a dating teenager! I love to cook and learn new recipes. I enjoy sewing and crafts and learning new things but I do not claim to be good at any. I think I am OCD but only when my anxiety randomly kicks in and I suddenly want a clean house.  Then I become a neat freak and I go crazy because I can never seem to keep it clean so I just give up. Anyone else with me here???  I love to learn and try new things. I like to think that I am not that "old" and can still do everything my teenagers can do, so I have started taking up snowboarding.  After some lovely bumps and bruises I am loving it. Well that is a little about me. I hope that I can contribute some of my love for cooking especially southern cooking, dealing with of all things teenagers and having a marriage with an already established family.

Hi Yall! I'm a Utah girl who is learning to become a redneck southern girl and loving every minute of it. I've been married to my Man in Uniform for almost five years and his southern accent still makes me swoon!  We live in Florida with our two babies (who Im trying to raise to have southern accents) and our dog named Utah.  Im a stay at home Mama to our two year old dancing princess who loves her Daddy, and my Mama's boy whose smile lights up a room. I love fashion and I am obsessed with looking good on a budget. I LOVE dressing my children and making bows and accessories for my daughter. I also enjoy crafts, interior design, Diet Coke (had to slip that in there), reading and anything to do with crime and law (seriously....I would read case files all day if I could).  One of my favorite things is writing, so I will probably be that sister with the insightful posts but I promise they will be worth reading!  I hope you enjoy as we write about all of our adventures as we've grown from lollipops to lipstick!

My name is Nicole and I am the impulsive single sister. I grew up with Cami and Jami as my older sisters and have always felt like I have been half of each.  I have a bachelors degree in nursing and specialize in diabetic home care. I also teach private voice and piano lessons and am the choir director for an elementary school every Christmas season. With all of my many jobs my most favorite is being an aunt! I love spending time with my nieces and nephews! I live in Utah and am trying to survive the single dating scene. I love to read, shop, craft, decorate (my sisters have banned me from watching HGTV), and host parties. I am a huge music fan especially, when it comes to the big band era. I am someone that likes to be in control and when I feel like things are changing that I don't like, I will usually make a big change myself whether it be my hair, a new car, a new dog, etc. just to prove I have some control over my life. So from dating, to health, to impulsive decisions, let the blogging begin!

 I was lucky enough to marry into this family in May of 2011. We have 1 baby (so far) and have survived the NICU and moving to 3 different locations (and hopefully not too many more)  following job opportunities. I grew up in a beautiful area across from a dairy farm and raised cows and sheep. I always used to joke that I was from Little House on the Prairie because I had to chop my own wood and play in the irrigation ditch for fun. I went to beauty school in high school and I became so hooked to the beauty industry. I work at a great salon and I love doing hair and nails and trying all the latest trends. I hope I can share how to juggle work and being a mom and also new trends, fashion, and affordable ways for decorating and having fun.