Monday, April 7, 2014

What's for Dinner…. Chicken and Wild Rice Soup!

Yum one of my favorite soups! And its great to freeze.

Here is what you need

2- boxes wild rice
3 1/2 cups water
1/2 onion
3-4 carrots
3-4 celery
1/3 cup flour
6 bullion cubes
1 pt whip cream

Cook your chicken then dice, or shred how ever you would like it to be.
Add the rice and water to a pot (do not add the seasonings that are in the box) and bring to a boil. Then turn down the heat to medium. While this is being done dice carrots, celery and onions. Put them in a pan and saute them in butter.
chillin' in some butter
When this is all ready and soft and tender add 1/3 cup of flour and stir around for a minute and make your rue. 

here is where the flour is added

Now you add your 6 cups of water. You obviously can't add it all into this pan. So I do a little at a time. I add some stir it. Add a little more stir it. When it gets to be to much that I know I can't stir in the pan anymore I move it to the crock pot. And I add what I have left to the crock pot along with the bullion cubes and my chicken. This is when you can add the seasoning that was in the box of rice if you want to. I always add the packet of seasonings it just gives it a little more flavor… Now the last thing is to add your cream dump the whole thing in there and stir. Let it sit for a few hrs. The longer the better. You can make this all stove top and eat it in about 45 min as well. I just like to do it crock pot. 

Final product let it simmer a bit

we like to eat it with french bread yummy!

** Your chicken can be done as you wish. You can cook it and dice or shred. On a later post I have planned coming up I will show you how I do my chicken. And believe me you won't want to miss it. Its a life saver! 

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