Monday, June 23, 2014

Hospital Survival Kit!

It is baby booming season here at my house! I have lots of friends and family having babies, also I myself am having another baby. I was trying to decide something that would be so fun for baby shower gifts that I wish that I had when I had my sweet girl. I finally came up with something and that is a Hospital Survival kit. I'm one of those people who didn't have my hospital bag packed till I was in labor and ready to go. That was probably a bad idea but I know that there are lots of procrastinators like me and they wait till the very last second to do anything. I also was a first time mom and I had no idea what to pack, but after I had my daughter I spent a whole week at the hospital because she was in the NICU so I  was able to come up with plenty of things that I wish I had during my stay and compile it into a cute gift for showers.

Here are the items on my list:
1. yummy snacks (I found out her favorites)
2. toothbrush
3.chap stick
4. make up remover wipes
5.floss on a stick
6. hair elastics
7. hand sanitize
8. deodorant
9. cozy socks
10. shampoo and conditioner 
11. travel hairspray
This is  a great starter kit for things to pack, it gets those things that you don't think about when your in labor.

          I also made this and pinned it on there and it turned out so cute. ( you can copy and print this)

Happy baby season everyone!

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