Wednesday, January 29, 2014

14 DaYs OF VaLeNtiNeS!!

    I decided that this year for valentines I wanted to do something different. We are going through that tight wallet time in our life while we are putting him through school and I wanted to do something special and over the top, so I decided to do the "14 days of valentines". I have been seeing this all over pinterest, and after searching for what best fit my husband I had a problem, he isn't sort of the candy or chocholate kind of guy. (crazy I know) After looking at so many sites it was so hard to find what I thought would fit my man the most so I then had to come up with my own. I did find some that worked on some sites and some I kind just went with his favorite and threw it in the bunch. I think over all it was a success! I spent around $25 and was so happy I hope you like them. I also found out about a website called picmonkey from Cami and I have been hooked to it. That is where I made all the cute tags to go along with it, or you can also download my pdf if you like, but have fun and make it your own!

Day 1:

 Click here to download "Macho Man"

Day 2:

 Day 3&4:

 Day 5:

Day 6&7:

Day 8:

 Day 9:

I followed this tutorial to make this yummy popcorn (picture from her site) follow her recipe here. 

Day 10 &11:

Day 12:


Day 14:

  This day I got a jar and just filled it up with little papers with things I love about him written on them, and also I have a gift card to put with it.

I hope you like how it turned out, I'm so excited for February to start! I just really hope he doesn't look at my blog post, or he will be in trouble.

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