Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tips on Staying Organized

Are you all burned out from trying to keep those pesky resolutions?  I know one of my resolutions on my list every year is to keep a more organized house.  Last year I followed some organizing plans to help me on my quest.  My two favorites are

They both have been my go to organizing blogs.  A Bowl Full of Lemons has a challenge every week where you can follow her ideas and plans and your house is spic and span in no time.  I love this because the hard work is already done for me.  This year things have changed up a bit. She has a focus area per month.  January is on the Kitchen and every week you work on parts of your kitchen so when the month is over with you have a clean and organized kitchen.  Toni is a great friend of mine and I just love to see her creative juices going.  You can join her facebook organizing group HERE and join in on the fun.  Becky from Clean Mama is also another friend of mine.  I love to use her free printables and also use her advise on quick cleaning and a weekly schedule.  It is an easy schedule and one that is very manageable with kids.  Go and check out these two blogs.  Remember that it is never to late to start.  I have a hard time finding motivation in January but then February and March hit and I am going crazy cleaning again.  You can't eat an elephant all at once...you take it one bite at a time.  

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