Friday, February 7, 2014

A Different Kind of Resolution

How many of us came into this year with a resolution? Who wanted to lose weight? Who wanted to get out of debt? Who wanted to move up in their job or go back to school? How many of you have said "This is the year I will get married, this is the year I will eat all organic foods, this is the year I will be the perfect mother/father, daughter/son, wife/husband, etc."

As I started thinking about all of these resolutions that people make in the new year the thought came to me "Why do all of our resolutions have to do with changing ourselves?" What happened to being thankful for what we do have?

This year, I am challenging you to not make the resolution to change who you are to become better at the worlds standards. I am challenging you to recognize and be grateful for who you are and the things you do have! When you can do that, your happiness will automatically come. You will become that better person you want to be!

Now I'm not saying the above resolutions aren't good. By all means they are! Some of them are even mine (Getting married is not one of them by the way lol). I just want to make some suggestions about things that you can add to those weight loss resolutions.

When was the last time you made a resolution that had to do with something you love, or a hobby? When was the last time you went to a movie for you (Frozen doesn't count, even though it was fabulous). When was the last time you got a manicure, scrap booked, caught up on your celebrity gossip, had a dance party in your living room, etc. When was the last time you made a resolution to do something that makes you happy. I challenge you to make the resolution. Make this year the year you stop talking about that trip and go! Make this year the year you stop putting off some of your plans for everyone else's. Make this year the year you put aside some time to do something that makes YOU happy. Not because the world says you should, but because you want to.

All of my sisters and I LOVE to read. (In fact one of the blessings of being single is that I have a lot more time to read than they do lol). Make the resolution to give yourself time to read a book. (A real actual book with chapters and grown up words-Not Fancy Nancy) May I make a suggestion?

This series is a FABULOUS series about a girl trying to find where she fits in her society only to discover it is not her that is different, but society. (Hmmm what an interesting thought :) )It has a little bit of a "Hunger Games" feel but is a completely different story in and of itself. (All of the sisters agree that this is a great book.) Plus after you read this, you will be all the more prepared for this:

Now, I am going to let you in on a little secret of the sisters. It is this

Click on it, download it, and thank me later! This is one of my most favorite sites in the world. It has thousands, I repeat THOUSANDS of e-books for FREE!!!!! Including the entire divergent series. This is a great find, especially for those of you who want to get out of debt this year. You can finally have your cake and eat it too. 

So now you have all some ideas and suggestions, get out there and make some happy resolutions, oh and read an awesome book.

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