Friday, February 14, 2014

Who Wrote the "Book of Love".... Why You did.

Today is the day of LOVE so what is better than posting about some sort of gift. Well I thought about something that is more meaningful than just gadgets, clothes or jewelry. It can be a last minute gift and not expensive at all. And it goes beyond just a day.  A few years back at Christmas, out of the blue my husband's employer stopped paying him. It was completely unexpected and really brought on a lot of stress and worry. As we were deciding what to do for Christmas, we determined that we wanted our kids to have a good Christmas. We bought them presents and gave up our own. But the thought came to me that I still wanted him to have something. So to all of you who may be on a tight budget or who are looking for something last minute, or want something a little more sentimental, this is surely a gift that keeps on giving for years. It can also be passed on for generations. Here it is.

I made my husband a Memory Book of sorts where we write to each other.
the many "riesens" why I love you!
this is the inside cover the explanation of the book and the date  we started it

random page in the book and a letter he gave me when he gave me a girls weekend.

My husband and I will write when we have feelings, thoughts, gratitudes, and when we feel the other needs to be uplifted. We put it on the other persons side of the bed. I love to go back and read it. It rekindles my love for my husband. And in years to come my kids will see the love that we had and have for each other. Kind of gives me the Nicholas Sparks' "Notebook" type of feel.  And look.... My kids don't even know about this book and i found this on it and I have to laugh.

its a sticker that says "my heart's dearest"
So, you can make a cute little dinner at home or a fun dessert (maybe the chocolate covered strawberries and Italian Sodas from the previous posts on here). Write a little something in your own book and you have a great meaningful Valentine's with the one you love.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!


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