Friday, February 28, 2014

Uh oh!

I'm sure you all have perfect kids right! Well in my family I do not! So I (ok well Pinterest) came up with a solution/game of sorts. Its called the Uh Oh Jar. When the kids do something wrong, whether it be disobey, lie, hit, say unkind things, are disrespectful, whatever, they have to pick a consequence from the Uh Oh Jar. This has been a life saver! In the Uh Oh Jar we put all sorts of consequences, such as To clean the game closet or the garage, mop the floor, or dust. What has become the favorite "consequence" is to do service for someone in the neighborhood.

we have little piece of paper they pick from when they get in trouble
  So a quick story to go along with this. We had my niece come stay with us for about a week over the summer and we were using the Uh Oh Jar. There was a bit of fighting so my 2 daughters and my niece had to pick out of the jar a few times. Well I think the fighting became a game because the 3 girls would pick out of the jar and if they didn't get the service slip they would pick again. Until  they got service for someone in the neighborhood paper, and the next thing I knew, about 45 min passed and they were still gone. I decided I better go check on these girls. I found them down at the front of the neighborhood and they had gone to every house up to the point where I had found them, knocking on each door asking to do service. They had completed several projects, such as taking out trash, watering flowers, or just visiting with people. When I told them they were only supposed to go to one place and they needed to come home with me they asked if they could please visit the rest of the houses.  It was so cute and you could tell how good it made them feel.
  So in more ways than one the Uh Oh Jar has been a success. It has taught them how to serve and enjoy service without receiving anything in return and has helped me get a few things around the house done. Not that I am always perfect with the Uh Oh Jar, but it does come in handy.

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