Monday, March 31, 2014

A spring time nursery!

I am so in love with the fact that spring is here! I love spring time; it's not too hot and not too cold. One thing that I love is decorating my house. I actually feel like my whole house is in a sort of spring time color feel all year long. When I was trying to come up with how I wanted to paint my daughters nursery, I had so many ideas in my head. I wanted to do either crazy hot pink with zebra stripes or crazy colors that just screamed girl all the way. I then realized that at this stage in life, I would be the one that spent A LOT of time in this room and wanted to make sure it was something I would like as well as my girl.

Here are some questions to think about as a parent when deciding to come up with you color choice......
* Will I feel relaxed in this room?
* What can I afford?
* What colors would make me stressed out with a screaming baby?
* Would my baby enjoy the colors over time?
* (if a small house) What will help the room look bigger and more open?

When I came up with my nursery, it fit so perfect and whenever I rock my baby to sleep I get a calm and relaxing feeling.  I think that is so important when dealing with screaming or temper tantrums when it's time for naps, bed, or changing yet another diaper.

One of the most important things when painting is to make sure you love it.  I love this room and I guarantee there are many people who hate it, but guess what? I don't care! I'm the one that spends all day and night in it and it makes my baby and me happy.

Another thing I know you're thinking is "There is no way I can do those stripes!" I was nervous at first, but then I sucked it up and if you look close they are not perfect, but once you tie everything in, you don't notice. Here is how I made the stripes. Deep breath.  I know you can do it!

The most important thing is to make sure that they are straight so get out your long yard stick and your leveler, they will do all the magic for you.

The first thing you need to decide is how thick you want your stripes or how thin. You can look at mine if you want but I seriously just winged it and made it up as I went.  I really tried to make it look as random as possible and no patterns.
I started at the top and if I decided that I wanted my stripe 3 inches wide I then had to decide how much white I wanted between the two stripes and add that on top of the three inches. Also make sure to take the width of the tape into account, it will make the white thicker. Next I put out my level and my ruler together horizontally and measured the appropriate distance from the last tape (or the wall for the first stripe). I did this at the top the middle, and the bottom. *It is very important to always look at your leveler that will save your life and stripes! I would also do a cross check with my leveler vertically to make sure that my three marks were adding up straight.

Good luck, and happy painting!!

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