Thursday, March 27, 2014

Skirt Extender for growing girls

I have a little 7 yr old who is tall and skinny. So it seems every few months I am either buying her new dresses or new pants. Its so hard and frustrating. So what do you do? I know that I am not the only one out there that is in this same situation. So, they have these things that have become very popular out here called skirt extenders with is basically a slip with lace that looks like it is part of your dress or skirt. I have not been able to find them for my daughter. So, I took it upon myself to make one for her. And since I made one for her. My 5 yr old wanted one as well. And why not make some of those cute dresses my girls have last just a little bit longer. By the way, YOU can make them for yourself as well. Its the same way just adjust the sizing.
1. I used a serger and did both sides. ( but you can use your regular sewing machine)
2. Fold one of your edges over and sew making sure to leave it big enough to be able to put your elastic waist band through as well as not sewing it all shut to that you CAN put your elastic in.
3. now to slide your elastic through. Easiest way is to take a safety pin in and put it through the hole you left unsewn. When you get it to the end sew the two ends together and close up your hole. 
4. Add first layer of lace to the inside. That means to the wrong side.  No one will see the  edge on the other side anyways because it will be covered by your second layer.
this is what will be hidden

5. Sew second layer on the front of the skirt covering the showing edge.  And that is it!
Before... (Not so bad. I told her just to go get a dress that had white in it)

Cute huh! She loved It. Makes it a little bit longer to.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to try this for me!! I cant find skirt extenders anywhere here!
