Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bullying.....STOP IT!

This was not my intended post today. I had a great tutorial that I will save for another day. I was supposed to post yesterday, but some things came up and I was unable to.  This subject has been weighing heavy on my heart. Bullying. Everyone knows it is out there.  Everyone at one time or another has been a part whether they have been an active participate,  silent, or just standing back and watching. 

 I will not go into details but my son and his best friend have been having arguments. I love teenagers and male testosterone! Especially at 14!! It has escalated from calling each other names to the macho "well what can you do to me!"  "Oh yeah show me!" 

 I finally took the Ipod, texted this boy, and told him "this is the mom I know what is going on. They are friends they need to stop and that is that leave it alone". I'm sure having mommy come to the rescue did not help, but what else am I to do.  My son says he has a right to defend himself.  I told him your right, but at what cost? How bad would you feel if you seriously hurt your best friend or vise versa?  What does it prove? You can be the stronger person with more strength if you go up, shake his hand, tell him your sorry for the misunderstanding.  Ask for forgiveness even if you did nothing wrong, and hope that you guys can work things out. That shows more strength than a punch to the face or the gut, or these big bad words being passed back and forth.  I also want to add, my son was not innocent in any of this.  He was just as much involved sending back texts and so on.  I do want to make it clear that he was doing his part in this as well.

 I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)  The church recently put out a short video on bullying. It is not in any way a religious video or promoting the church, but it really hits home. Take a few minutes to look at it because you never know where bullying is, or starts.  To those that are being bullied, from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry. I saw my son in pain last night. I hurt for him. I cried with him. Please talk to someone!  Find strength in parents, friends, loved ones, peers. To those who are doing the bullying. STOP! Turn the tables around, put yourself in their shoes!  Make today the day to be the better person you are!

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