Monday, March 24, 2014

Olaf Treats

In case you didnt know, Frozen came out on video last week.  Ever since I took ML on a Mama - daughter date to see it in January we have been obsessed at our house (I say "we" lightly).  We decided to have a Frozen party at Granny's house to make Olaf snacks and watch the movie.  We had so much fun and loved every minute of it.  The Olaf treats turned out so cute so I wanted to share with you how to make them.

 They are so easy to put together.  We used powdered donuts for the base and large marshmallows for the other two layers of the snowman.  Mini chocolate chips were the buttons on the body, pretzel rods were the arms, mini marshmallows for feet and orange tic tacs for the nose. 
For the eyes you can use the mini chocolate chips or get sugar eyes in the baking section of the grocery store.  For the mouth we used Twizzlers ropes in the mixed berry which has red, pink and blue (we used blue since hes a snowman and probably has cold lips!).  You can also get the Twizzler ropes in black and stick those out of the top marshmallow for his hair but ML decided she didnt want hair on her Olaf.

 We literally licked all of the pieces to make them stick and it worked perfectly.  ML was so proud and every time Olaf came on the screen she would say she made Olaf and go in the kitchen and look at him.  All of the other kids ate theirs pretty quickly but ML kept hers to show Daddy when he got off work.  Such a fun project to do with all the cousins!

1 comment:

  1. This is the cutest idea. I LOVE this movie, and especially Olaf! I hope when i have kids they will want to do stuff like this. Your such a cute mom. Love this blog. :)
