Monday, March 3, 2014

Hamburger Casserole


       This is probably one of my very favorite go-to meals. My mother always made this and I loved it.  Now that I'm a mom, I understand why she always made it:  it so easy and it goes a long way. Every time I'm either out of food or don't know what to make, I always have the ingredients on hand to make this meal and my husband loves it. 

Hamburger Casserole:

1 lb of hamburger
1 can of corn (sometimes I do 2)
2 cans of tomato soup
about 1/2-3/4 bag of noodles
lots of cheese, I probably use about 2 cups.


1. Cook the hamburger and add some seasonings, I like some salt, pepper, seasoning salt and a little garlic.
2. While the hamburger is cooking boil your water for your noodles.
3. While noodles are cooking and once the hamburger is cooked through, add your tomato soup and drained corn to the hamburger and let it simmer.  I will usually add a little cheese here too (we love the stuff) along with some salt a pepper. 
4. When the noodles are cooked, drain and add to your hamburger/soup mixture.
5 Top with more salt and pepper and lots of cheese.  Cover until cheese melts and you're done!

This meal is so great because not only is it fast, it tastes really good too! It also is great the next day for lunch.

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