Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Planner Nerd

So I know I am probably one of a very few who still uses a paper planner.  I use my phone calendar on occasion but something about writing it down keeps it in my memory.  A few years ago I used to scrapbook a lot.  I loved it.  Now I really don't have the time so I mainly do Project Life.  Well I belong to a few facebook planner groups and have found so many ideas.  One that I am loving is to incorporate scrapbooking to your planner pages.  I am not talking adding pictures or anything.  It is quite easy really.  I took some pictures as I decorated this weeks pages to show you how easy it is and how pretty it looks.  Some women go all out and add clips and stickers...I find that I like mine a little more simple since once all the writing goes on it seems to look a little cluttered.  I have a desk size daytimer in Malibu purple.  I really like it.  I want a filofax but they are quite pricey and so we will have to see.  Maybe for Christmas or something.  

Here is my planner all clean and white...ready to be filled with washi tape goodness.  These pages do not come with the daytimer.  They are called Piacric and can be found on facebook.  I really like them.  They are printed on the best paper.  

 Here is where I have set my decorations out.  I kind of like to see them all together so I can make sure it looks good.  Target dollar spot is my go to for all things planner related.  I even found some washi there the other day.  It put a spring in my step for sure!!

 Here it is with the washi and two page flags.  I add the flags to important days so I know to pay close attention to those.  

Here it is after I add my week.  In the notes section I usually write a fun quote.  For St. Patricks day my week was decorated in green and gold.  It is fun to add a little holiday flare.  I also write my menu on here so my kids just look on the day instead of asking me a few times for dinner.  

I will usually have a weekly to do card that I punch into my planner.  They aren't specific to a day but need to be done sometime during the week.  

Happy Planning!!

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