Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Busy Bag

My kids get bored in church or sometimes even at home so here is an easy busy bag. Not to mention something that can keep them working on their motor skills. Even my 7 yr old like to play with it. Here are just a few of the ideas I have in the bag.

First one we are making is the Ribbon and Shapes
Buttons on a ribbon

- Ribbon
-2 large buttons
-different color felt( you can get at the dollar store of wal-mart)
-Hot Glue Gun

1. Cut ribbon as your desired length
2. Glue buttons on each end
3. Cut felt shapes how ever many you want and in what ever shapes you want.
4. Fold shapes over and cut half way down the middle to make the hole for the button to fit through. 

 Simple as that. 1 Down 1more to Go!


colored felt


1.cut the brown felt into a somewhat oval shape. It doesn't have to be perfect. It will be covered up.
2. Take other colored felt and make the muffin holders. You can do different shapes edging sizes. 
3. Now make the frosting. Make tall frosting. Swirly frosting. Bubbly frosting. Be creative.
4. With the left over piece you can now make your sprinkles. 

This is so fun and so cute. And the kids get to be creative and make whatever kind of cupcake the want! Have fun. When I am all done I store them in big Ziplock bags.

All Done Let the Fun Begin!

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