Thursday, April 3, 2014

Summer planter

Is anyone else ready for summer? I would be happy today for just spring.  Well today I got a little spring/summer relief.  My local nursery helped us set up our own hanging baskets.  I love to get my hands dirty and full of flowers.  They had all the supplies ready for us.  This is something though that could easily be done at home.  

You want to start with a cool basket full of holes.

These are available at most nurseries.  Fill it up with dirt and soak it.  Now you want to fill each hole with different flowers.  This is where you can be creative or as safe as you want.  I really like to add a bunch of different flowers and cross my fingers it looks good.  Some of my friends went more into a pattern.  You can skip holes as well if you don't want it to be so full.  When you are done filling up all of the side holes you then work on the top.
  Some did trailing flowers while I did ones that stand up more.  Doing this myself I saved about $30 compared to just buying one already planted from a nursery. 
 Another tip: make sure you save your tags for what flowers you use.  That way if one dies you know what to replace it with.

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