Thursday, February 13, 2014

An Old-Fashioned Valentines!

            I love the season of LOVE! But when you're on a tight budget like me and you're putting your husband through that last semester of College and having that extra mouth to feed, you need to be a little creative. This year for valentines we were going to stay home maybe have a few friends over and have a great relaxing night. I wanted to do something a little different that we don't normally do on a normal day. I thought it would be fun to have some fun old fashion drinks that would be great for our whole family to enjoy.

                     Old-Fashioned Italian Creme Soda

                 I'm really  loving that there's so much you can do with the syrup flavors and the different concoctions  you can make with them. Here is how I made these:


(this is for one glass maybe 2 with small glasses like mine)

1/2 cup carbonated water ( I have a soda stream so I just make my own but you can also buy club soda)
2 or 3 ice cubes
2 tablespoons of Vanilla Torani syrup (you can buy this at Walmart for about $3.50)
You can also get the syrups at any restaurant supply kind of store (like Orson Gygi in the Salt Lake City area) 
1 tablespoon of Raspberry Torani syrup ( I bought sugar free from Walmart but it's much better not sugar free, if you don't mind  the extra calories.  You can buy this here
1 tablespoon half and half
whip cream till your heart desires. 


     The first thing I did was combine all the syrup and carbonated water together in a separate measuring pouring cup and stirred it together with a metal spoon. * Also you can decide if you want more raspberry or vanilla flavoring, I did a lot of experimenting and this one was my favorite, but have fun and make it your own.
I then poured that into my fancy cup with the two ice cubes and measured out a tablespoon of half and half and poured it over the top.  Next is the topping of the whip cream and I was very generous with that! When you're ready to drink it, give it a little swirl with your straw to mix it up a bit and it seriously is so yummy.  The best part is you can get a lot of bang from your buck with each cup costing around $0.20.  ENJOY!!

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