Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Olympic Closing Ceremonies Russian Style

My husband lived in Russia for a few years and so what better for the closing ceremonies for the Olympics than to show an easy Russian favorite that you can prepare for your family. It's one of our family favorites its called Russian Pelmeni. It resembles a gyosa. It is generally eaten at Holidays or celebrations.

this will pretty much be all you need

1-pinch of salt
1/2 cup cold water
add flour until firm
I did this in my kitchen aid then added it into the bag
add dough into a plastic bag and let sit sometimes squeezing bag. You will do this for about 20 min. 

1-lb Hamburger (you can also do half hamburger and half sausage)
2- tbs garlic
1- onion
salt - to taste
pepper- to taste

you mix it all together raw. And leave it all raw.

I know gross. Sorry guys!
Next Step is to roll out your dough and place your meat into it. You can make to circle as big or small as you want. I just took one of my daughters sippy cups. It actually seems like just the right size.

you then take and pinch all sides together and take the 2 ends and bring them together they kind of look like tortellini.
this is just a bunch finished
Next Step is to boil water 2-3 bay leaves and 4-5 boullion cubes.
Places your pelmeni in the boiled water stir the bottom for a minute. The meat is still raw and don't worry it will cook as it is being boiled. As soon as you see the pelmeni come to the surface they are done.

this is just showing you it still in the pot with Pelmeni  rising

most Russians like to eat it with the broth that you cooked it in and adding a spoonful of sour cream. Thats how we eat it and its really good.

Well I hope you try it. Our family loves it and it really is good! Enjoy!

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